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TEM-Cells (Stripline)

Picture: TekBox TEM-Cell

TekBox TEM-Cell

The Tekbox TEM cells (Transverse Electromagnetic Cell) are so-called "open TEM cells" because they have no side walls, so placing the DUT (Device Under Test) is easily possible. Although interference from the outside can penetrate into the cell, it can easily be identified by measuring the output signal of the cell when the DUT is switched off and can thus be taken into account in the measurement result. A TEM cell consists of a septum, the conductive level in the middle, and stainless steel outer walls connected to ground. The geometry is dimensioned to give an impedance of 50 Ω. The DUT is placed between the bottom wall (bottom) and septum.

Tekbox's TEM cells (stripline) offer better frequency response than standard TEM cells of the same size. TEM cells suffer from unwanted vibration modes at higher frequencies which limit the usable bandwidth. An outstanding design feature is the implementation of a resistor perpendicular to the propagation direction of the shaft. Higher-order modes and resonances are effectively suppressed.

TekBox, TEM-Cells

5 of 5 Article


Tekbox GTEM-cell, recommended for DUTs up to 200 x 200 x 150 mm and frequencies up to 3000 MHz.

2 years warranty


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in Stock
€ 2,245.-
net (VAT Details)
€ 2,671.55
incl. 19% VAT

TekBox TBTC0

The XS-version of the Tekbox TEM-cell, recommended for DUTs up to 114 x 42 x 15 mm and frequencies up to 6 GHz.

2 years warranty

No.: TBTC0
EAN: 8936120675502

with FREE shipping within the EU! Shipping costs outside EU
in Stock
€ 494.-
net (VAT Details)
€ 587.86
incl. 19% VAT

TekBox TBTC1

The S-version of the Tekbox TEM-cell, recommended for DUTs up to 120 x 120 x 40 mm and frequencies up to 3 GHz.

2 years warranty

No.: TBTC1
EAN: 8936120675250

with FREE shipping within the EU! Shipping costs outside EU
in Stock
€ 659.-
net (VAT Details)
€ 784.21
incl. 19% VAT

TekBox TBTC2

The M-version of the Tekbox TEM-cell, recommended for DUTs up to 180 x 180 x 70 mm and frequencies up to 1.15 GHz.

2 years warranty

No.: TBTC2
EAN: 8936120675267

with FREE shipping within the EU! Shipping costs outside EU
in Stock
€ 879.-
net (VAT Details)
€ 1,046.01
incl. 19% VAT

TekBox TBTC3

The L-version of the Tekbox TEM-cell, recommended for DUTs up to 300 x 300 x 100 mm and frequencies up to 700 MHz.

2 years warranty

No.: TBTC3
EAN: 8936120675274

with FREE shipping within the EU! Shipping costs outside EU
in Stock
€ 1,099.-
net (VAT Details)
€ 1,307.81
incl. 19% VAT