Innovative Tools. Excellent Service.


4 channel oscilloscope with 2 GHz bandwidth, 5 GSa/s sample rate, 12 Bit A/D converter, 500 Mpts memory depth and a 39.6 cm touchdisplay Full-HD (1920x1080 pixel). Incl. MSO with a 16 channel logic analyzer, 2 channel 100 MHz waveform generator and pattern generator and all decoder options.

MXO 54 incl. 4x RT-ZP11 probe (700 MHz), MXO5-B2420 bandwidth upgrade (2 GHz) and MXO5-PK1 option bundle, MXO5-B1 MSO option and MXO5-B110 memory option (1 Gpts).
(Valid until March 31, 2025)

1 year warranty

No.: 1802.1008P96

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in 11-30 days after order in stock.
€ 66,961.30  46% discount
€ 29,900.- net (VAT Details)
€ 35,581.- incl. 19% VAT