The Rigol MSO2000A range offers professional measurement functions at entry level pricing. The devices are affordable for every working environment and contain a well constructed and intuitive operational menu offering an extensive range of convenient functions for all measurement tasks.
All models of the MSO2000 series are equipped with 2 channels, a sample rate of 2 GSa/s, 14 Mpts memory, an 8” (20,32 cm) TFT color display, as well as intuitive measurement, mathematical functions and an additional built-in 16 channel logic analyzer.
An exceptional feature implemented in the MSO2000A series is the ultra noise resistant input for the capture of small signals. The vertical resolution starts at 500 µV per division!
In addition to that, the “S”-models are equipped with a built-in 2 channel waveform generator at 25 MHz (200 MSa/s).